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Trends In Web Designing

April 5, 2010

Year 2010 has brought new and innovative web designing trends. With more focus on brand image and emphasis on SEO and internet marketing techniques, semantic keyword based (Web3.0) applications are quite popular now days. Mostly, the designing trends do not come at the beginning of the year alone. These are introduced several times during the year and lead to modifications in designing styles and concepts.

Listed below are some of the hottest and most unique web designing trends for 2010. These can be used to customize your website or add a new dimension to an existing one.

  • Logo and Header: The use of a large logo with a huge header is fast becoming a trend with many designers. In 2010, it is expected that most websites will feature a bulky header to increase brand recognition and cast a long lasting impact.
  • Sketching: Even though sketching designs are not the latest in web designing trends, this technique can help in customizing web pages and aid in commercial design. Sketching designs are a good way of distinguishing personal websites from business websites.
  • Perception: As practical observation gains popularity, perception is bound to change in 2010. This means that extraordinary and modern designs will be introduced in websites like a side-shot aerial.
  • Page layout: The demand for single page layout will lead to more preference to personal summary over business details. This involves greater emphasis on their media hangouts, blogs and public entity.
  • Typography: Continuing from 2009, typography is expected to be popular in 2010 as well. Readers find it more appealing than websites filled with images.
  • Spontaneity: Flash has been used by designers for creating websites since a few years and 2010 will witness greater variations and advancements in the use of Flash tools. As a result, websites will become more instinctive and appealing to web-savvy internet users. From SEO point of view, non flash sites would still be preferred.
  • Web3.0:For content based applications, Web3.0 site are now preferred.

We at Centex Technologies provide complete Web Development solutions to our clients. Please feel free to get in touch with us with your requirements.

Internet Marketing AustinSEO Austin

Who Can Be Your Internet Marketeer?

March 28, 2010

Any business operating in web space understands the need for powerful internet marketing. To a large extent, it contributes to the success of your website. An attractive website is not enough to bring customers and convince them to buy your products or services.

While many people choose to design and implement their own internet marketing campaign, it is best to choose a professional to do the job. More than experience, a good internet marketeer is one who has the right knowledge and eye for the latest trends in online market.

If you are having a hard time deciding which internet marketeer to choose, think about the following points:

  • Make sure that you know what kind and how much marketing are needed for your business. A business website differs from a non profit organization’s site. Once you have determined your site requirements, it becomes easier to find a competent marketing service provider.
  • The cost of internet marketing should be justified by the rewards generated by it. This can be measured in terms of revenue earned over a month or year.
  • Before hiring an internet marketeer, ensure that your website is well-built and is easy to navigate. It helps in increasing the visibility of a site online and promotes it on search engines. After all, the aim of an internet marketing campaign is to generate more sales through online mediums. This happens when optimal SEO techniques and customer targeted strategies are applied.
  • The size and nature of your target audience forms the basis of an internet marketing plan. Make sure that you track the ROI for the money spent on internet marketing techniques.

To summarize, a good internet marketeer will help you build your business reputation and visibility on the web and get ahead of the competitors. For this, they need to be up-to-date with latest developments and happening in the online world. When you see high traffic inflow and sales, your internet marketing and advertising costs will seem to be a wise investment.

We at Centex Technologies develop and plan out internet marketing campaigns for global clients after carefully analyzing their business needs. Feel free to enquire more or to get a custom quote for your business.

SEO KilleenSEO Central Texas

All About Security Cameras

March 20, 2010

Residential as well as business areas have incorporated electronic surveillance technology to track any suspicious movements in their premises. In UK, more than 4 million video cameras are used for surveillance of government buildings, parks and streets and in US, I am sure the figure would be much higher.

Apart from the traditional CCTV networks, organizations have started using digital cameras and DVR based gadgets. These provide clear images, greater coverage and automatic zooming, tilting and panning. Installation is simple and you can even connect the camera with your desktop or TV.

While buying a security camera for internal or external security, certain features need to be considered. These include:

  • Think about the level of security surveillance needed. This includes identifying the area to be covered through the camera.
  • Depending on the kind of organization, different security cameras have varying features. Every camera has playback feature but some of them may show four shots together. Hence, you need to decide the features to be included in your security cameras.
  • Indoor security cameras are different from outdoor security cameras. Of course, the outdoor devices are sturdier and built to handle wind, rain or dust. In contrast, indoor cameras are smaller and less visible to the naked eye.
  • The common types of security cameras include bullet cameras, dome cameras and box cameras. Rather than purchasing a conventional security camera, you can go for innovative devices like hidden spy cameras, panning cameras, tilting cameras, wireless nanny cams, digital video recorders and motion-activated cameras.
  • The security camera has to be placed in a way that allows maximum accessibility, visibility and coverage of target area. The lines of resolution must also be checked. While 350 lines of resolution is low, 480 lines is good for normal use. To get high resolution, opt for CCTV with 525-580 lines.
  • For night surveillance, you will need a security camera with infrared LEDs to illuminate the desired area. This will ensure clear images and video footage.

We at Centex Technologies provide state-of-the-art security systems in Killeen, Central Texas region. Please feel free to enquire more.

Killeen Security Systems Central Texas Security Systems

How Blogs Improve Conversions In A Business Website

March 15, 2010

A blog is basically a website where an individual generally writes about a series of events or anything related that may interest him.  A blog can be defined as a web log which is maintained on a regular basis by an individual.  Earlier blogs were maintained by individuals to provide information but now blogs have become a source of branding, building businesses and improving conversions.

Blogs no longer have just individualistic approach. Blogs are used by businesses to promote other products, write reviews and do a lot of business marketing stuff. Bob Parsons, the owner of Godaddy – one of the biggest hosting service providers in USA uses his blog to promote his business.  It is important to understand how this is done as it needs an intelligent brain to manage it.   Similarly you will find many blogs maintained by entrepreneurs indirectly pointing it to their business.

Eyebrows can be raised on how this kind of strategy goes unnoticed by google and instead these blogs always finds a good place in Google’s rankings. The truth is that these blogs are actually very good and informative and would generally give an insight into company’s business and ethics. This is something google likes- TRANSPARENCY.

Nowadays blogs are used by celebrities as well to increase media presence and to promote the brands they endorse. Generally people who follow a certain topic would look for information by searching on Google and a blog is considered to be a source of information. Search Engines ranks good blogs on top pages which brings them hits. If the content is well directed and well written on a blog, it can act as a real good source to generate user’s interest into your business.

This is how traffic transfers from a personal blog to your business website. We at Centex Technologies provide complete Internet Marketing solutions to our clients. Please feel free to enquire more.

SEO AustinWeb Development Killeen

What Is Web 3.0 & How Is It Different From Web 2.0

March 6, 2010

Web 2.0 refers to the web related applications that are designed for the facilitation of interactive information sharing, user centered designing and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Some examples of web 2.0 are social networking sites, blogs, mashups, video sharing sites, so on and so forth. In comparison of the non-interactive websites that only provide access to their users to the basic functions like passive viewing of the provided information; web 2.0 also provides to its users advanced options like interacting with other users and even changing website content.

Web 3.0 or Semantic web is a concept being currently evolved and developed on the world wide web under which is the facility to provide the meaning of the information and the services available on the web, thus making possible for the web to aptly understand and thus accurately supply for the satisfaction of the requests and demands of the people and machines that make use of the world wide web. At the base level, the semantic web comprises of a set of design principles, collaborative working groups. It also includes a wide variety of enabling technologies. The complete advancement of this technology has yet not been attained. Some elements of the semantic web are still being expressed as prospective future possibilities that are still to be implemented or realized.

Technicians believe that web 3.0 is basically an extension or modification of web 2.0. It is coming to be known as the third generation web. The major difference between the two lies in the fact that Web 2.0 is more about social networking and other means of mass collaboration with the blurring of lines at times between the content creator and the user whereas Web 3.0 is based on “intelligent” web applications using:

  • Natural language processing i.e. use of simpler language and not coded language.
  • Machine-based learning and reasoning which will find use even in the fields of education and research.
  • A variety of intelligent applications.

The main objective of the new web 3.0 is to tailor online searching and requests specifically to users’ preferences and needs and to filter out a plethora of unnecessary search items which occur while searching through web 3.0.

At Centex Technologies, we create advanced web application solutions for clients across the globe. We are based in Killeen, Central Texas.

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