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Category: SEO Marketing Page 16 of 24

Online Affiliate Marketing – Expand Your Marketing Base

September 27, 2011

Online affiliate marketing is a promotional or advertizement strategy that is used by many companies these days in order to publicize their products or services almost free of cost. The one distinctive feature about affiliate marketing is that the customers or business associates (called Affiliates) are used as promotional elements to spread word about the business among visitors of their websites and online portals. Thus no employees or separate advertizing departments are used in this strategy for expanding the market base. The affiliates on the other hand get certain rewards in return for their effort. These may be in the form of discounts on future purchases, accumulated rewards points that can be redeemed later or even hard cash. This acts as a constant motivating factor for them to keep working on getting in more and more customers for the company.

Companies may either wish to use a conglomeration of different marketing practices including conventional advertizements on different websites, e-mail marketing and affiliate marketing or it may choose to use only affiliate marketing as a standalone promotional tool. The best advantage offered by affiliate marketing is that it can help attract more and more customers due to a certain credibility and faith shown in by affiliates. In most of the cases, affiliates are owners of websites that have substantial web traffic from targeted customers.

For online businesses it is very easy to incorporate affiliate system with their websites to give out necessary promotional feeds, links and banners. The affiliate system can effectively manage and track the traffic coming from various sources and award the required commissions to respective affiliates. Affiliates can log in their accounts and can view the referral income, get more feeds, links and banners, manage their account etc. The ease of setting up an affiliate system makes it one of the favorite marketing tool for online businesses.

Although affiliate marketing has been in existence as a system of advertizing for decades, it is a recent phenomenon on the internet. It has been quite a successful model that has been implemented by many online websites especially the small and moderate sizes e-commerce businesses that cannot afford to spend huge financial resources in placing traditional advertizements.

We at Centex Technologies provide internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization solutions for businesses. We can also develop customized affiliate management system for online businesses to spearhead their online marketing campaigns.  For more information call us at 800. 236. 1497

Internet Marketing AustinSEO Austin

Power of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

September 20, 2011

Search Engine Optimization is a novel and innovative way to market your online business. SEO can be used in a powerful manner to promote your product or website using the internet. Incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy generally consists of making use of particular words also known as keywords in a manner so that they can help find your page or website on a search engine. Google is the most popular search engine these days so in most of the cases SEO strategies are focused on the kind of results that Google shows up in the search rankings. There are several ways in which SEO can be useful to your business. Its use has become necessary and quite beneficial in today’s online markets.

The biggest advantage of using SEO is that it is extremely cost effective in comparison to other online promotions and does not require large investments. You may only need to spend a moderate amount of money in order to get your websites on the top ranks of search engines. This makes it highly suitable for medium as well as small sized businesses as well. As most web surfers or potential customers locate or look for products or services that they require by conducting a Google search, you have high chances of increasing your business if your page shows up in such a search.

SEO helps your page appear in the top search results of a search engine. There are several parameters that are used to assess Google page rankings. The usage of keywords for the purposes of Search Engine Optimization must be relevant and it should not simply be frill words with no useful content. Google uses innovative software algorithms to rank web pages that offer something useful to the reader. In order to sustain a high page ranking in the long run, it is essential to create useful content using the elements of SEO. For doing so, you need to hire an expert SEO company who is well versed with the tips and tricks of SEO.

To get the most from your online business and to attain top ranks on search engines, call us at Centex Technologies. We adopt natural and search engine friendly SEO strategies. We can be reached at 800.236.1497

SEO AustinWeb Development Austin

Facebook Storefronts – Changing The Way We Shop

September 13, 2011

Facebook has become the most visited website across the world in recent years. The popularity and grand success of this social networking portal has enabled it to become one of the most talked about web applications on the internet today. Almost everyone that we meet or interact with in our daily life is bound to have a Facebook account. This interactive and innovative website has also become a destination for many businesses to set up their online stores. A special feature known as “Facebook Storefront” is offered by Facebook that allow business owner to set up their shop in minutes.

The best part about the Facebook Storefront application is that it allows small business owners with limited capital resources to open up an online store. Using Facebook Storefront, you can display your products in almost any way you want. You can categories your products, show product details including cost, description and other necessary details to visitors. There are several additional elements that have made Facebook Store Fronts a viable application for completing online purchase of a wide variety of products.

These store fronts are generally referred to as social shops and allow business owners to list any item (as per terms and conditions) that store owners wish to sell on their page. A Facebook page is created for their business that can be customized as per individual preferences. There are several different templates to choose from and you can select one that best suits your business image. You can get your visitors or customers to “like” your shop or facebook page and stay updated with latest updates that you have to offer. They can also converse with your store administrator and invite their friends to take a look or “network” with your business.

Facebook Store Fronts is emerging as one powerful selling tool for business owners. With brand value of Facebook on your side, you can effectively sell your products across masses.

We at Centex Technologies create ecommerce applications for online businesses. We are also engaged in promoting web based businesses across the targeted segment through SEO, Paid Advertizing and Affiliate Programs. For more information, call us on our Toll Free No. :  800-236-1497

Internet Marketing AustinSeo Austin

Hiring A SEO Consultant For Improved Returns

August 10, 2011

When you create a web based business, the sole aim is to get targeted traffic on to your website and convert it into sales. This can be quite a challenge. Even if you are not relying on internet sales revenue to run your business, you will be surprised with the potential it stores to spearhead you profit’s graph. Serious marketing professionals cannot ignore the power of web.

As and when you decide on promoting your business on the web, first of all you need to know which tools would work the best for you. You may also need technical skills and understanding of various tools to get the best possible outcome. In most of the cases it will be a lot of effort to learn and implement the techniques of internet marketing. The best way to take reap benefits from internet is to hire a SEO/ Internet Marketing consultant.

A SEO consultant would be someone who has seen the web technology grow and have wide range of successful internet marketing projects under his belt. SEO consultant would be expert in planning strategies for your web based business. He will be instrumental in guiding your business to attain top ranks on various search engines for various relevant keywords/ terms. He will also help you with your other online marketing campaigns and would be advising you on the best website layout to convert your traffic into sales.

Why you need to hire a SEO consultant?

  • SEO consultant would be expert in his field. He would know the ins and outs of the trade.
  • SEO consultant would understand your customer behavior and demographics to strategize your business.
  • SEO consultant would know how search engines behave and how their technology works with the websites.
  • He would also be an expert in various tools and software to be used in the process.

To sum up, it is a very good idea to endeavor into internet marketing if you want to improve your returns. However, it is advisable that you take help of a professional SEO consultant that can correctly guide you to grow your business.

For more information on how we can help you attain top ranks on various search engines, visit us at Centex Technologies. We have offices in Dallas and Killeen Texas.

Austin Search Engine MarketingSEO Austin Tx

How Local Businesses Can Benefit From Search Ranks On Google.Com

July 11, 2011

Google – the world’s most preferred search engine consists of a system that allows certain search results to show up first in the list and others to form a part of the next page. This is decided by the ranking that is automatically accorded by Google to individual websites. There are a lot of factors that can help in determining the ranking of webpages. These may include relevance to search conducted, the presence of certain keywords on the webpage, the appropriateness of the URL address, quality of content on the site, its popularity, etc. A combination of all these factors can catapult your website to one of the top ranks in a Google search.

If you have a Texas based business, getting your business website to show up in the top ranks can be highly beneficial for you as more and more people are bound to be exposed to the products or services that you offer. This will result in a kind of “almost-free” advertizing through which you are able to promote your business simply by ensuring that it forms a part of the top ranks in a Google search.

Most people based in Texas and many other states of America tend to rely on a Google search in order to find required products or services in their neighborhood. Google Places (a part of Google Search) not only provides a detailed address of your business as listed by you but also showcases the exact position of your business in Texas by plotting it on an application known as Googe maps. This encourages potential customers to visit your local business and thus boosts your sales in a considerable manner. Apart from providing a clear location on the local map, Google Maps also pinpoints the shortest routes to your place of business or shop so that interested visitors do not find it difficult to access you.

Google can thus help local Texas based businesses in a profound way by providing useful information about the products offered by your business. If a single organic search throws up results of other businesses in the same industry that are not based in Texas, a Texas resident is sure to prefer one that is in a nearby area so that they are able to visit and conduct business with greater ease.

It is best for local businesses to optimize their websites for various search terms used by people in and around Texas. By conquering high ranks on search engines, you are bound to generate high profits.

To plan your SEO campaigns effectively, feel free to contact us at Centex Technologies at 800. 236. 1497

Austin Search Engine MarketingSeo Austin

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