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Benefits Of Hiring An SEO Writer

Why employ an SEO writer? What can an SEO writer perform for you?
On the Internet, it isn’t just your prospective customers whom you need to convince that your company is the finest but you also require winning over the search engines that bring the website to the clients’ attention in the first place. An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) writer works around the SEO parameters for content. It usually requires experience and deep research of the topic to strategically produce content that increments your website’s ranking.
The higher your website’s ranking with search engines like Google or Yahoo, the higher your website will crop up on a list of the search results. The customer will seldom look past the first or second page of those search results – so showing up on the eleventh or twelfth page is practically as worse as not showing up at all.
The Tools of an SEO Writer:
A skilled SEO writer has a variety of tools in his or her armory to support in increasing your website’s traffic:
Well-placed and relevant keywords: Utilizing just the correct number of relevant keywords in the proper places within your website content will pull the appropriate weightage for those terms from the search engines. What are these keywords, where they are set and how frequently they are utilized are all important in giving the wanted results.
Keeping off outdated and overused keywords: The deficiency of relevant keywords or the usage of outdated keywords can relegate the internet site in the search engine’s eyes – as can the overutilization of the correct keywords. In case you have violated any of these rules, search engines will ignore your website and force it right to the bottom of the heap.
Right formatting of keywords: Planned formatting of keywords can also be utilized to pull even more attention to your website and additionally amend your search engine rankings.
Meta Description Tags: For every website, there is a 200-word description about the website which the search engines may utilize to ascertain whether or not your website is applicable to a particular search string. An SEO writer recognizes how to phrase keywords correctly within this description for maximal results.
Maintaining Web Content Fresh, Accurate and Up To Date: Search engines prefer websites with quality and dynamic content. A professional writer acknowledges how to take advantage of this fact by updating the website on a regular basis with fresh, educational and relevant info, as well as ensuring that all the basic content is exact and up to date.
Website Analytics: By examining the activity around your website, the author can better ascertain what is working well and what is not. What consumers require can vary on a daily basis.
Hence, to run your online business successfully, top notch SEO writer is a crucial ingredient!
For professional SEO writing services that will boost your website visitors and increase your revenue, contact Centex Technologies at Toll Free Number: (800) 236-1497.

March 5, 2011

On the Internet, it isn’t just your prospective customers whom you need to convince that your company is the finest but you also require winning over the search engines that bring the website to the clients’ attention in the first place. An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) writer works around the SEO parameters for content. It usually requires experience and deep research of the topic to strategically produce content that increments your website’s ranking.

The higher your website’s ranking with search engines like Google or Yahoo, the higher your website will crop up on a list of the search results. The customer will seldom look past the first or second page of those search results – so showing up on the eleventh or twelfth page is practically as worse as not showing up at all.

The Tools of an SEO Writer:

A skilled SEO writer has a variety of tools in his or her armory to support in increasing your website’s traffic:

Well-placed and relevant keywords: Utilizing just the correct number of relevant keywords in the proper places within your website content will pull the appropriate weightage for those terms from the search engines. What are these keywords, where they are set and how frequently they are utilized are all important in giving the wanted results.

Keeping off outdated and overused keywords: The deficiency of relevant keywords or the usage of outdated keywords can relegate the internet site in the search engine’s eyes – as can the overutilization of the correct keywords. In case you have violated any of these rules, search engines will ignore your website and force it right to the bottom of the heap.

Right formatting of keywords: Planned formatting of keywords can also be utilized to pull even more attention to your website and additionally amend your search engine rankings.

Meta Description Tags: For every website, there is a 200-word description about the website which the search engines may utilize to ascertain whether or not your website is applicable to a particular search string. An SEO writer recognizes how to phrase keywords correctly within this description for maximal results.

Maintaining Web Content Fresh, Accurate and Up To Date: Search engines prefer websites with quality and dynamic content. A professional writer acknowledges how to take advantage of this fact by updating the website on a regular basis with fresh, educational and relevant info, as well as ensuring that all the basic content is exact and up to date.

Website Analytics: By examining the activity around your website, the author can better ascertain what is working well and what is not. What consumers require can vary on a daily basis.

Hence, to run your online business successfully, top notch SEO writer is a crucial ingredient!

For professional SEO writing services that will boost your website visitors and increase your revenue, contact Centex Technologies at Toll Free Number: (800) 236-1497.

How to make your Computer Network Secure?

February 28, 2011

Networking allows you to share Internet data and access files and folders across systems easily. But one does not want to share his information and data with just anyone. With the help of a wireless network, your information is moving through the air medium, not physical wires, so anyone within the range can intrude your network. There are five substantive security measures you should take to procure your wireless network.

Change the default connection password:
All the Access points and routers have a default password set by the company. You will be asked for a password whenever you want to make alterations to the network settings. Hackers are aware of these default passwords and will seek them to have illegal access to your wireless device and alter your network settings. To avoid any unauthorized alterations, change the password and make it hard to guess.

Modify the default SSID:
Your wireless network devices have a default SSID (Service Set Identifier) which is set by the company. The SSID is the name of your wireless network, and it can be up to the length of 23 characters. Modify your network’s SSID to something unique, and ensure it does not refer to any networking products you own. As an extra precaution, make it a point to modify the SSID regularly.

Enable WPA Encryption:
Encryption allows security for the data that is being communicated over a wireless network. Wired Equivalency Privacy (WEP) and WiFi Protected Access (WPA) extend unlike degrees of security for wireless communication. WPA is addressed to be safer than WEP, because it makes use of the dynamic key encryption.

Disable SSID broadcast:
Automatically, most of the wireless networking devices are typeset to broadcast the SSID, so any person can effortlessly join the wireless network with just this info. This is advantageous for the hackers, so unless you own a public hotspot, the best idea is to disable the SSID broadcast. You certainly will believe that it is handier to broadcast your SSID so that you are able to click on it to join the network, but in addition you can configure the devices on your network to automatically connect to a specific SSID without transmitting the SSID from the router.

Enable MAC address filtering.
Some routers provide you the power to enable MAC address filtering. The MAC address is a distinct series of figures and letters allotted to every networking device. With MAC address filtering, you can determine which computers can obtain access to your network. It would be quite difficult for a hacker to find your network using a random MAC address.

To know more about Networking and computer security, please visit Centex Technologies. We can be contacted on (254) 213-4740 and (800) 236-1497 (Toll Free).

Austin Search Engine MarketingInternet Marketing Guy

Online Credit Card Payment Security Tips

February 21, 2011

These days, most of the online purchases are made with the help of credit cards. They are becoming increasingly popular due to the ease with which credit cards can be used. However, the number of monetary thefts has also risen considerably along with this. If you are an avid online shopper, there are certain tips and tricks that you can make use of in order to protect your financial information from potential data thieves who can misuse it in whatever manner they choose. Some ways in which you can keep your credit card information safe are:

  • The most important step is to acquire adequate protection for your operating system. There must be an appropriate firewall installed that keeps credit card thieves at bay. In case there is not enough protection on your PC or laptop, every time that you fill in your credit card information, you will be putting yourself at grave risk. It is better to refrain from using your card for any purchases on the internet until you take these necessary measures.
  • You should only make online purchases from websites that have proper security measures and encryption in place. The server where you access new products and complete the payment process must be a secure and certified one. You should not mindlessly use any website for shopping purposes. Only a select few that are reliable and trusted must be used for retail therapy.
  • You can also take a precautionary measure of making use of virtual cards instead of your original credit card. When you exercise this option, you need not fill in the actual credit card number every time you wish to shop as you can simply fill in a fake card number allotted to you. This way, even if this number does get stolen, the thief will not be able to make use of such information.
  • If you have registered your email for online banking facilities and frequently receive credit card bills through e mails, you should make it a point to delete all such information from time to time. You can take print outs of the same as soon as you receive them and then immediately delete them so that this confidential information does not remain on the internet or with your mailing service provider.

It is important for ecommerce websites to instill confidence in customers. They need to follow secure coding standards, should incorporate SSL certificates and educate their customers about ways to shop online in secure manner while placing an order.

We at Centex Technologies create custom ecommerce websites. For more information and a quote for your requirement, please feel free to contact us at: 254-213-4740

Web Development AustinWeb Design Austin

Benefits Of Google Adwords Advertizing

February 14, 2011

Google Adwords is the most widely used method of advertizing on the internet today. It has become quite popular at a rapid pace due to the ease with which a Google Adwords account can be created, and managed. Another advantage of Adwords advertizing platform is the amazing reach for advertizer’s over the net. Some of the advantages that stand in favor of Google Adwords instead of other means of advertizing or marketing have been listed below:

  • Google Adwords network is not a very expensive proposition for medium and small sized businesses looking for a good marketing campaign that can help bring in increased business. It is possibly one of the cheapest ways to advertize successfully on the internet today. You do not even need to pay a certain fixed amount to be able to use Google Adwords services. You are only charged on the basis of clicks your ads receive.
  • The ease with which it is possible for anyone to sign up with Google Adwords makes it a lucrative proposition for those looking to advertize their products or services. The registration process is fairly simple and you can list your ad merely after filling a form specifying your business information along with payment details. You will not need to wait for many hours in order to see your ad online as it will be placed immediately.
  • Google Adwords offers valuable information to its users relating to the most popular and typed-in keywords that can help you make your ads better and thus attract more visitors. There are certain tools that enable you to determine whether the keyword that you are choosing is one that will be searched frequently by a sizeable portion of online visitors or not. You can use these to your advantage and make the requisite changes in the formation of your ads before you put them online.
  • You can put up ads that are tailor made to suit your needs. Google Adwords allows you to decide the exact number of hours and timing that you want your ad to be placed online.
  • You can track the campaign performance through various ROI tools like Conversion tool, Google Analytics etc.

For more information on managing your Google Adwords account, please feel free to call us at – (254) 213-4740. We at Centex Technologies provide Pay-Per-Click management, Search Engine Optimization, Web Development and Designing services.

Austin Search Engine MarketingInternet Marketing Austin

Video SEO Tips

February 7, 2011

Ever since YouTube has gained popularity, there has been more and more emphasis on incorporating Videos in a website. The ease of embedding YouTube videos in HTML has given an effective tool in hands of online businesses to actually show case their products and services in a better manner on their own website. Also there are various free video players that are available using which you can incorporate videos on your website. As major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo have started showing up video results in their search, video SEO has become even more popular. Search engines are now focusing on developing technology to read video content for providing even better search results for videos.

Elements Of Video SEO

  • Create Short videos of 1-2 minutes length. Behavioral studies show that people do not like watching long videos specially when they are related to promoting products.
  • Create enticing videos. Simple and plain videos may not gather much attention from users.
  • Always have relevant videos on the pages. Your video should match the content on the site and should not be vague.
  • As we do in website SEO, we should be inserting keywords in Title, Description and other tags associated with the videos.
  • Do not spam keywords in the video description, title and keywords.
  • Though YouTube and other video portals provide options of uploading videos and getting embedded code that can be used in web pages, the best place to upload a video is your own server i.e. where the website is hosted.
  • Share your video on various video portals. This will increase your video’s presence across the web and will get you link backs.
  • You should use Alternate tags on videos. For that you can use swfobject javascript function for flash videos.
  • It is always a good strategy to put some descriptive content on the web page where the video is placed. Try to use keywords in the text.
  • You can also write the dialect/ speech content on the webpage for users to read. This not only provide them a clear understanding of what is being said in the video but also gives relevant content for the webpages.
  • Submit video sitemaps. For that you can use MRSS or XML sitemap.
  • To target wider user base, you can put us videos in different languages.

For more tips on Video SEO and internet marketing, feel free to contact us at Centex Technologies. We can be contacted on (254) 213-4740 and (800) 236-1497 (Toll Free)

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