February 27, 2012
Twitter serves as a great platform for spreading the word about your company or any new product launches that you may have. It is one of the cheapest ways of advertizing about your business and getting concrete returns in the form of enhanced sales and profits. Twitter has thousands of followers and daily visitors that help ensure that your promotional efforts are able to receive the maximum visibility online. The chances of generating word of mouth publicity are also greatly increased when Twitter is being used as a promotional tool. Many companies are realizing the importance of having a presence on Twitter instead of simply concentrating on social networking websites like Facebook. Some of the promotional strategies that can be used for advertizing on Twitter are:
- The URL of your ecommerce website should be subtly incorporated into your Twitter feeds in ways that encourage users to explore your website. This helps makes potential customers aware of the existence of your company website that they can access in order to place orders for products or services.
- The title of your Twitter profile must be chosen carefully depending on your company name or brand name that is popularly known among customers. Choosing vague profile names that do not say much about the brand you represent can lead to a decreased visibility level for your brand.
- You should follow people related to your field of business or potential customers.
- You can also keep a check on the trends prevalent on twitter and utilize those to market your services or products.
- Certain keywords should be incorporated into your Twitter feeds so as to ensure that interested users are able to find their way to your profile page. The keywords that you choose to include must depend on research conducted using specialized software that helps you zero in on the most searched keywords. It must also be ensured that the keywords being used have a direct relationship with your business or product lines.
- There are several profile management tools offered that can be used to make your interactions with the public more interesting and effective like cotweet, Hootsuite, etc.
- Other useful applications like bulk messaging application can also be made use of in order to send direct information to users who may possibly be interested in your products.
To know how you can promote you website among masses, feel free to contact us at Centex Technologies. We have our offices located at Killeen (254-213-4740) and Dallas (972-851-7878) Texas.