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Cyber Security Technologies For Business Organizations

Cyber-crime environment is constantly evolving and cyber criminals are always trying to come with new types of attacks for outsmarting existing cyber security protocols. This emphasizes on the need to recognize and deploy advanced cyber security measures to combat cyber threats effectively.

Here are some reasons that strengthen the need for organizations to invest in advanced cyber security technologies:

  • Cyber-attacks are no longer targeted at merely extracting confidential details or earning quick money. They have moved on to more sinister motives, commonly known as cyber warfare. With increasing connectivity among critical utility infrastructure, cyber warfare has a tendency to grow.
  • Cyber criminals are getting more advanced and the number of sophisticated cyber-attack tools is growing in the deep and dark web.
  • Most organizations keep business-critical data recorded in digital format and are thus greatly dependent on their systems and network. Failure to secure these systems from cyber criminals can endanger credibility, sales, and profit.

Owing to the heating up cyber warfare, organizations need to identify and adopt emerging cyber security technologies constantly. Following is a list of top advanced cyber security technologies that businesses organizations should adopt:

  • Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning: Application of artificial intelligence in cyber security is similar to two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication confirms user’s identity based on two different parameters. Artificial intelligence adds additional layers of information and authentication to identity confirmation. Deep learning is used to analyze data such as logs, transactions and real-time communications to detect threats trying to penetrate the system or network.
  • Behavioral Analytics: Behavioral analytics uses data mining techniques to determine patterns of activity across a system and network. This helps in detecting unusual activity such as abnormal increase in data transmission from a device connected to the network. Such deviations from normal pattern can be used to detect potential and real-time cyber threats.
  • Embedded Hardware Authentication: A PIN and password are no longer sufficient to protect hardware, so embedded authentication chips are being used to secure hardware. These powerful chips such as Sixth-generation vPro chips by Intel are embedded in the hardware. The chips employ multiple levels and methods of authentication that work in tandem to ensure authentication security.
  • Blockchain Cyber Security: Blockchain cyber security works on the basis of blockchain’s peer-to-peer network fundamentals. Every member in the blockchain is responsible for verifying the authenticity of data added. It creates a near-impenetrable network to secure organizational data.

For more information on cyber technologies for business organizations, contact Centex Technologies at (254) 213 – 4740.

Best Practices For Cloud Security

PDF Version: Best-Practices-For-Cloud-Security

Different Areas Of Cyber Security

Cyber security strategies aim at protecting any user or organization’s inter-connected systems, hardware, software, and data from cyber attacks. Absence of stringent cyber security strategies can offer an opportunity for hackers to access the computer system and network and misuse organization’s data such as trade secrets, customer data, etc.

In order to formulate an efficient cyber security strategy, it is imperative to pay heed to all areas of cyber security.

Following are different areas of cyber security:

  • Critical Infrastructure Security: This area of critical infrastructure security consists of cyber-physical systems that modern societies rely on. Some examples of such systems include electricity grid, water purification, traffic lights, shopping centers, hospitals, etc. Hackers can attack the vulnerable infrastructure systems to gain access to connected devices. Organizations which are responsible for managing the infrastructure systems should perform due diligence to understand the vulnerabilities for society’s safety. Other organizations which are not responsible for the systems but rely on them for some part of their business operations should develop contingency plans to be prepared for any cyber attack or network breach that can be launched via an infrastructure system.
  • Application Security: It is one of the most important areas of cyber security strategies of an organization. The branch of application security uses both software and hardware methods to tackle external threats that can arise in development or implementation stage of an application. As applications are majorly accessible over network, they are highly vulnerable. Thus, it becomes highly important to include application security in cyber security strategy of an organization. Types of application security include antivirus programs, firewalls, and encryption programs. Application security techniques ensure that unauthorized access to applications is prevented. Also, these techniques can help organizations in detecting sensitive data sets and implementing relevant measures to protect these data sets.
  • Network Security: This area of cyber security guards an organization against unauthorized intrusion of internal networks due to malicious intent. Network security protocols inhibit access to internal networks by protecting the infrastructure. For better management of network security monitoring, network security teams use machine learning to flag abnormal traffic and issue threat alerts in real time. Common examples of network security protocols include multi-level logins, password security, etc.
  • Cloud Security: Cloud security is a software-based security tool that monitors and protects organizational or personal data stored in cloud resources. Increasing use of cloud services has made way for stringent cloud security strategies.
  • IoT Security: IoT devices can be highly vulnerable and open to cyber security attacks for numerous reasons including unawareness of users. Threat actors target IoT’s data centers, analytics, consumer devices, networks, legacy embedded systems and connectors. So, organizations have to implement stringent IoT security protocols.

For more information on different areas of cyber security, contact Centex Technologies at (254) 213 – 4740.

IT Security Recommendations For 2021

Rapid growth of technology is changing the way businesses operate. Technologies such as cloud computing, Artificial, Intelligence, automation, and IoT have created numerous growth opportunities for businesses. However, cyber hackers also use these technologies to launch an array of cyber security threats and attacks such as data breach, identity theft, etc.

The rise in number and frequency of cyber threats has created a need for businesses to focus on their IT security strategies. Here are some IT security recommendations for 2021:

  • Cloud Threats: The Coronavirus pandemic has intensified the remote work and collaboration between different teams resulting in increased use of cloud services for data storage, data sharing, app sharing, etc. However, increased migration to cloud has led to higher number of cloud threats. Some common cloud-based security threats are mis-configured cloud storage, reduced visibility and control, incomplete data deletion, and vulnerable cloud-apps.
  • AI Integration: As the cyber security threats keep growing in terms of intensity, AI is emerging as a helping hand to under-resourced IT security teams. Including artificial intelligence in IT security strategy can help in ensuring timely detection of threats and implementing rapid reaction. AI provides threat intelligence by analyzing massive quantities of risk data from structured and unstructured resources.
  • Extended Detection & Response (XDR): In order to ensure data security, it has become essential for IT teams to gain visibility and deep insight into enterprise and customer data across emails, endpoints, networks, servers, cloud workloads, and applications. It is recommended to include XDR in the IT security strategy as it helps in automatically collecting data from multiple sources and correlate it to ensure faster threat detection and incident response.
  • Security Process Automation: High frequency of IT security threats has resulted in a shortage of trained IT staff. Thus, organizations are required to extensively rely on security process automation. These tools eliminate repetitive security operations using pre-established rules and procedures. This also helps in reducing the errors in routine security checks.
  • SASE: Changing organizational environment has transformed the organization’s network security from LAN-based appliance models to cloud-native security service models such as Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). Using this model, organizations can robustly secure remote workforce and cloud applications by routing network traffic through cloud-based security check.

For more information on IT security recommendations for 2021, contact Centex Technologies at (254) 213 – 4740.

Types Of Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering is a broad term that is used to define a range of malicious activities that majorly rely on human interaction. These attacks often involve tricking people into breaking standard security protocols. The success of social engineering attacks is dependent on the attacker’s ability to manipulate the victim into performing certain actions or providing confidential information to the attacker. Social engineering attacks differ from traditional attacks as they can be non-technical and don’t necessarily require the attackers to exploit or compromise software or a network.

The best way to protect an organization from social engineering attacks is to educate the employees about different types of social engineering attacks. Here is a list of most common types of social engineering attacks –

  • Baiting: A baiting attack is conducted by the attackers by leaving a bait such as a flash drive, USB, or CD at a place, where it is likely to be found by an employee. The device is loaded with malicious software. The success of such attacks depends upon the notion that the person who finds the compromised device will plug it to a system. When the device is plugged to a system, the malware is installed. Once installed, the malware allows the attacker to gain access to the victim’s system.
  • Phishing: It is one of the most common social engineering attacks. The attack involves the exchange of fraudulent communication with the victim. The communication may be in form of emails, text messages, chats, or spoofed websites. The communications may be disguised as a letter from a financial institution, charity, employment website, etc. The communication contains a link and the victim is lured to click on the link to install a malware on his device. In other form of phishing attacks, the link may be used to collect victim’s personal, financial or business information.
  • Pretexting: This type of attack occurs when the attacker fabricates a situation that forces the victim to provide access to sensitive data or a protected system. Some common examples of pretexting attacks are the attacker pretending to require financial details of the victim to validate victim’s identity or the scammer posing as a trusted person such as IT employee to gain victim’s login details.
  • Quid Pro Quo: In such attacks, the scammer requests sensitive data from the victim in exchange for a desirable compensation. For example, the scammer may set up a form asking the users to fill in their information in exchange for a free gift.

For more information on types of social engineering attacks, contact Centex Technologies at (254) 213 – 4740.

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