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Cloud Computing Security: Challenges & Solutions

Cloud computing is a vast term that covers a wide range of technology resources that are delivered “as-a-service” via an internet connection. The cloud services include software-as-a-Service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). All these cloud computing models provide a different level of service, control, and responsibility.

When switching to a cloud computing model, business organizations need to be aware of the following cloud computing challenges:

  • Potential Loss Or Theft Of Intellectual Property: IP represents competitive advantages for a business, so a loss of IP may have a tangible impact on the business’s market share. Fraudsters may use this IP information to create fake products and cheaper processes since they don’t cover research & development costs.
  • Regulatory Compliance Violations: Cloud computing service providers may not meet the strict regulatory compliance standards of the industry. It can lead to compliance violations for businesses availing these services.
  • Reduced Visibility Of Cloud Environment: Some Cloud Service Providers do not provide visibility into the cloud environment. This problem is more intense in SaaS solutions because PaaS and IaaS solutions offer more visibility. After all, in these cases, users are expected to do their configuration and management for the cloud environment.
  • Lateral Attack Spread: If defense-in-depth controls of a cloud environment are not strong enough, it can be easier for an attacker to spread from one workload on the cloud to the next. Thus, multiple databases or apps can be compromised quickly during a breach.
  • Increased Complexity Of Security: Businesses that work with multiple cloud service providers have to face several different complicated cloud security processes. For example, one CSP may require multi-factor authentication using text messages, while another CSP may use a different authentication method. It increases process complexity making it difficult for users to access various cloud solutions in their day-to-day workflows.

Solutions To Cloud Computing Security Challenges

  • Limit Cloud Computing Vendors: Different Cloud Service Providers may have different security tools and processes, making it difficult for businesses to manage their cloud solutions. This challenge can be handled by trying to limit the cloud computing vendors. Companies should try to source as many cloud solutions from a single vendor as possible.
  • Verify Your Access To Information: Visibility into the cloud environment is vital for ensuring cybersecurity. So, verify the level of access to information that Cloud Service Provider would offer. With greater visibility into the cloud environment, businesses can more easily track and control security.
  • Verify Security SLAs: Verifying security SLAs (Service Level Agreements) before signing an agreement with CSP helps to ensure that the service provider will meet the industry’s cybersecurity standards and protect the business from extended service disruptions.
  • Consult A Cybersecurity Expert: Get assistance from cybersecurity experts before switching to the cloud computing model.

We, at Centex Technologies, help businesses in switching to cloud computing. We offer IT consulting services for educating businesses on their cloud computing requirements and ensuring cybersecurity. For more details on challenges & solutions related to cloud computing security, contact Centex Technologies at (254) 213 – 4740.

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Basics Of Effective Server Management

Server infrastructure helps organizations in managing most of their IT functions which includes data storage, website hosting, emails, and software applications. Although a number of organizations have shifted to cloud servers, some organizations still have in-house servers or hybrid server infrastructure. In order to ensure efficiency of in-house and hybrid server infrastructures, organizations need to undertake effective server management.

Goals Of Server Management

An effective server management strategy should focus on three primary goals:

  • Work towards minimizing or eliminating server slowdowns and downtime.
  • Building secure server environment.
  • Ensuring that the server continues to meet the needs of the organization as it grows.

Server Management Basics

Hardware Management: This is the first step towards server management. Some important hardware elements that need continuous monitoring are CPU (Central Processing Unit), RAM (Random Access Memory), and Hard Drive. Other hardware management elements include CPU temperature and operating environment. An important point of consideration while choosing server hardware is to keep in mind the required server specifications. Make sure to choose excess storage and processing capacity as it would allow easy up-scaling of server, when required.

Software Management: In order to ensure effective software management, it is important to understand the software dependencies in the server infrastructure. A suggested approach is to employ basic best practices along with application management. The software, firmware and operating systems should be regularly updated for performance and security. Outdated versions may lead to poor performance and also create vulnerabilities that may be exploited by cyber criminals to infect organization’s network and server. Software that are no longer used should also be removed.

Security: Maintaining secure network is an important component of server management. The security policies may vary depending upon industry type and individual organization’s needs. However, some common server security solutions include-

  • Installing and regularly updating antivirus software.
  • Enable firewall
  • Use access control software such as Kisi, ISONAS, ADT, NetMotion Mobility, etc.
  • Employ data encryption
  • Implement SIEM tools such as SolarWinds Security Event Manager, Micro Focus ArcSight ESM, Splunk Enterprise Security, IBM QRadar, etc.
  • Use security logging best practices

Backups: The last step towards effective server management is to take regular backups. Make sure to employ server backup software among other backup solutions. Some examples of popular server backup software are V2 Cloud, Unitrends, Veeam, GoodSync, BackupVault, etc.

We, at Centex Technologies, help businesses in ensuring effective server management by employing customized solutions. For more information, contact Centex Technologies at (254) 213 – 4740.

Differentiating Between IT Security & Cybersecurity

IT security and cybersecurity are often mistaken to be the same. However, in reality both these terms define different concepts. Both these segments have many overlapping areas but there are certain differences that need to be understood.

IT security or Information Technology security includes protocols, processes and tools to implement certain measures in order to secure and protect information/ organization’s data by using different technologies. The information to be protected includes both digital and physical (paper form) data.

Cybersecurity may be considered as a subset of Information security. It includes systems and processes used as precautionary measures to safeguard an organization against crime involving Internet; for example, protection against unauthorized access to computer systems and data connected to Internet. Cybersecurity is typically focused on protecting electronic data.

Let us take a look at some basic points that can be used to differentiate between IT security and Cybersecurity:

  • Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting an organization’s data, services and applications from individuals or entities outside the resource on the Internet, whereas IT security is about protecting critical information from unauthorized user access and data modification or removal in order to ensure uninterrupted services.
  • Cybersecurity is focused on building the ability to protect an organization’s cyber space from attacks. On the contrary, IT security deals with protection from any form of threat, irrespective of the environment.
  • Cybersecurity tools work against cybercrimes and cyber frauds like phishing attacks, data breach, cyber bullying, etc. IT security helps an organization strive against unauthorized access, disclosure and disruption which may be cyber or physical.
  • Cybersecurity professionals deal with advanced persistent threats. The process involves protection of company logins, profiles, server resources, applications, databases etc. Information or IT security is the basis of data security. IT security professionals prioritize resources before dealing with the threats.

Centex Technologies provides cybersecurity and IT security solutions to enterprises. For more information, contact Centex Technologies at (254) 213 – 4740.

Pillars Of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is an important aspect for every organization. The core of Cybersecurity is to protect information systems that store, process and transmit organizational data to different nodes of a network or server.

Every Cybersecurity strategy is based on five key tenets:

  • Confidentiality: It is a data oriented attribute. Confidentiality can be defined as protection of the information from disclosure to unauthorized individuals, systems or entities. An example of confidentiality breach includes the theft of user data such as credit card details from retail outlets. This data is supposed to be confidential but once stolen by the cyber criminals, the card details are sold on dark web and is made public.
  • Integrity: Integrity is also data oriented attribute of Cybersecurity. It means protecting the information, systems, and services of an organization from unauthorized modification or destruction. The integrity of an organization’s system is violated in cyber-attacks which may include instances where cyber criminals hack the system and make changes to business servers and applications.
  • Availability: This tenet is service oriented. Availability defines timely and reliable access to data, information and services by authorized users. A simple example of threat to “availability” is a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. The cyber criminals send multiple requests to organization’s server causing it to slow down or altogether shut down. This prevents users from gaining access to information or services.
  • Non-Repudiation: Non-repudiation is entity oriented pillar of Cybersecurity. It refers to the ability to correlate a recorded action with originating entity with high certainty and efficiency. Example of non-repudiation violations includes unauthorized manipulation of financial transaction logs making it impossible to track if a financial purchase or stock trade was actually performed by the company.
  • Authentication: Authentication is also entity oriented attribute. It defines the ability of a Cybersecurity system to verify the identity of an individual or entity trying to access data, information or systems in a network. An example of authentication violation is where the authentication policies fail to differentiate between authorized and non-authorized users and cyber criminals may gain access to organization’s systems.

Centex Technologies offers Cybersecurity solutions that are unique to an organization’s infrastructure. To know more, contact Centex Technologies at (254) 213 – 4740.

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