9 August, 2016
Data breach has become a common occurrence these days. However, owing to the increasing focus on computer security, many organizations have taken the necessary steps to protect themselves against online attacks. As a result, small businesses are turning to be an easy target for the hackers due to the absence of a stringent cyber security policy.
Listed below are steps to fortify your firm’s computer security:
Understand The Potential Risks
Though technological advancements, BYOD policy and cloud computing have simplified business operations to a great extent, they have also increased the risk for a potential data loss. Therefore, you should evaluate the risks and benefits before implementing these in your organization. Make sure you employ strong password policies, enforce installation of security software and enable remote wiping in case a device is stolen or lost. Devices that support data encryption should only be allowed to access the corporate network.
Restrict Access To Confidential Data
The computer systems that have confidential information should be accessed only by a limited number of employees. Important official accounts and server room should also be protected against unauthorized access. Password protect all the computers and encourage the employees to lock the systems when they are not around. You can also use biometric authentication to further intensify computer security.
Educate Your Employees
Even with all the cyber security measures in place, your organization is at risk if the employees are not well-informed about the potential threats. It is important to educate your employees on the adverse effects of these attacks and the best ways to protect against them. They should also be informed about the common attack vectors, such as spear phishing and drive-by downloads. Make sure they understand the rules and regulations regarding handling of removable media, operating official email accounts as well maintaining privacy of sensitive information.
Regularly Backup Your Data
Even if you have implemented an infallible cyber security policy, it makes sense to backup all the important information stored on the computer systems. In case your computer is infected with a malware, it may manipulate, delete or restrict access to the files. If you have a backup on Cloud or an external removable device, a data breach would not have much effect on your company’s operations.
We, at Centex Technologies, can review and suggest measures to fortify the computer security of your business firm in Central Texas. For more information, you can call us at (855) 375 – 9654.