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How Healthcare Industry Can Benefit From Cloud Computing

Most industries are progressing towards cloud technology, so why should healthcare industry lag behind. This technology has brought a revolution in the field of healthcare resulting in improved outcomes. As per a recent survey by HIMSS Analytics, over 83 % of healthcare organizations are using cloud technology.

The technology is being used to store and process patient’s information which has thereby resulted in a decreased capital expenditure for healthcare organizations. Here are some ways in which cloud computing benefits healthcare industry.

  • Better Collaboration – It has provided extreme benefit to healthcare industry by allowing experts and doctors to store as well as access patient’s data & apply necessary care without delay. Also, remote conferencing has allowed doctors in saving precious lives.
  • Greater Reach At The Time Of Disaster – Getting doctors and necessary information on board at the time of an unforeseen circumstance or disaster often gets very difficult and many people die due to the lack of medical care on time. Cloud computing on the other hand allow field doctors to access medical information and getting connected with an expert for providing treatment & medical aid as per need of the hour.
  • Lower Storage Costs – It allows hospitals to hold more patient information at a lower cost and that too in a more systematic way.
  • Better Use Of Big Data To Treat Patients – Cloud computing allows healthcare organizations to make better use of big data to treat patients. It allows doctors to collect complete information about the ailments which a patient suffers from along with their medical history to form better inferences about the treatment to be offered.
  • Improved Medical Research – The research process speeds up due to easy storing and sharing of data through cloud technology. Data is collected from multiple fields, data analysts then use cloud to pool the data and summarize it to form conclusions. The results of the research helps professionals in curing diseases and designing better healthcare technologies.
  • Improved Patient Care – Internet of Things (IoT) can help in saving lives too by reaching out to people residing in remote areas. Cloud makes it possible for such people to get access to quality healthcare services. Mobile devices can be used to monitor a patient’s condition and keep the doctors at far of places updated with a patient’s medical condition. Also, this way patients can get access to healthcare services round the clock.

Cloud services ensure complete flexibility. Healthcare providers only pay for what they use. Also cloud provides simple anytime & anywhere access to healthcare applications and resources. As per a report by MarketsandMarkets, healthcare cloud computing market is expected to increase to $9.48 billion by 2020.

It will provide a twin benefit by not only improving the quality levels of healthcare services but also by helping them cut their costs. The sooner healthcare industry embraces cloud technology, the better it will be for them.

For more information, call Centex Technologies at (254) 213-4740.

Multi-Cloud Management Tips

30th June, 2017

In the present time, majority of businesses are making the switch to cloud computing to keep their data and apps secure. However, with the increase in critical workloads and demand for massive storage space, it may become difficult to find a single provider that offers the perfect solution.

An alternative that most businesses are preferring is to go for a multi-cloud strategy. This involves working with two or more cloud service providers to drive better value. It allows more flexibility and reduces the risk of data loss and downtime. However, entrepreneurs may find it difficult to manage a multi-cloud environment efficiently. Keeping certain important factors in mind can help to streamline the process and improve your company’s productivity. Some of these have been discussed below:

Make An Informed Decision

Firstly, it is important to ensure that the cloud providers you choose deliver all the services you require. Multi-cloud system may not be completely effective if it has rendered unidentified gaps in your IT infrastructure. Map down your entire network to get an idea of any potential issues, access control problems, security vulnerabilities etc. You must choose a company that not only handles cloud deployment, but also provides regular reports on the state of services, new features, potential threats etc.

Know Your Users

You must also gain insights into the way your end users are interacting with the multi-cloud solution. Know what apps they are using and how the tools are helping them in working faster as well as more expeditiously. This will give you an idea about the services that are most used, from which devices, on wired or wireless networks, for what purpose and duration etc. Also, regular audit will help you to scale down on the services that have similar functionality and retain the ones that maximize business’ efficiency.

Automate Low Level Tasks

Automating the functioning of low-level cloud services is another option that can not only save costs but also streamline business operations. Incident response, scaling processes, alerts and updates are a few tasks that can be automated. Create as well as implement policies that state what tasks have been automated and how they have been allocated among the different cloud service providers. This will let your IT professionals focus on monitoring the higher-level services.

For more information on multi-cloud management, get in touch with Centex Technologies. We can be reached at (855) 375 – 9654.

Why Zero Knowledge Encryption Offers Best Cloud Security

17th April, 2017

Cloud computing has provided a convenient way to store, access and share data over the internet. However, password leaks and security breaches in the recent years have led to many apprehensions about the use of cloud services. The lack of compliance standards and stringent security policies in the cloud make your data vulnerable to many online attacks.

What Is Zero Knowledge Encryption?

Zero knowledge encryption is one of the most secure ways to protect your information stored in the public cloud. It offers complete data privacy, ensuring that no one can access your files, not even the cloud service provider. It also known as personal encryption or private key encryption.

How Does It Work?

When you upload any data to the cloud, it is encrypted on the client side. The key to decrypt the data can be accessed by the authorized user. Even the company providing the cloud services cannot access the data because the information gets encrypted before it reaches their servers. The decryption key is stored in the cloud server in a hashed format which is known only to the user.

The reliability of zero knowledge encryption is assessed on the basis of 3 principles:

  • Completeness – Assuring that the cloud service provider is properly following the security protocols.
  • Soundness – Double checking that the account can be accessed only by entering the right password.
  • Zero Knowledge – Verifying that the decryption key is known only to the user.

Advantages Of Zero Knowledge Encryption

  • It offers the highest possible control over your data stored in the cloud.
  • Zero knowledge encryption allows you to use the popular, convenient and user-friendly cloud services in the most secure way.
  • It minimizes the likelihood of a data breach as all the information is stored in an encrypted format. Even if the cloud server gets compromised, your data will still be safe because only you have the decryption key.

Limitations Of Zero Knowledge Encryption

  • In case the user forgets his account password or decryption key, there is no way to retrieve the files stored in the cloud.
  • The privacy of data becomes your responsibility. You will be held liable for any loopholes in its security or unauthorized attempts made to access the files.

For more information on zero knowledge encryption and cloud security, feel free to contact Centex Technologies. We can be reached at (855) 375 – 9654.

Reasons Why SMBs Should Switch To Cloud Computing

October 7, 2016

Setting up a dedicated IT infrastructure can be quite complex and requires exorbitant investment. As a result, entrepreneurs are embracing cloud to facilitate file storage, data processing, accounting, business communication etc. However, many small and medium business (SMB) owners are uncertain of the benefits of cloud computing and are apprehensive about adopting this technology.

Given below are a few reasons why SMBs should switch to cloud computing at the earliest:

  • Cost Reduction: One of the major advantages of cloud computing is that it offers significant cost savings to the SMBs. They do not have to incur an upfront cost on new servers and hardware. The initial costs for cloud computing are also minimal, as it is essentially a pay-as-you-go service. Through cloud computing, businesses can have access to advanced enterprise applications and productivity platforms even if they have a limited amount of capital to invest.
  • Increased Data Security: Small and medium sized businesses often do not have round the clock monitoring, endpoint security and efficient disaster recovery strategies implemented. The cloud computing model incorporates strong encryption, filtering, patch management and cryptography techniques to make sure that your data is completely secure.
  • Scalable: SMBs usually have limited IT requirements at the time of start-up. However, with time, there may be a need to upscale or downscale the computing resources at certain times. Most cloud service providers allow you to alter your resources as and when required, without having to make any major changes in your existing IT infrastructure.
  • Flexibility: Cloud computing allows the employees to work more flexibly, irrespective of their geographic location. They can access important documents and data from anywhere anytime. All they need is a web-enabled device and an internet connection. They can also share files with other team members and stay updated about the status of each project. Many employers are now adopting Bring Your own Device (BYOD) policy which further adds to the functionality of the cloud computing.
  • Equal Opportunities: Cloud has provided a platform for the SMBs to compete and stay at par with the large business firms. With access to the same advanced platforms and hardware as the competitors, it can reduce the overall IT workload. As they use the same resources used by established businesses, SMBs can efficiently direct themselves to the path of a faster success.

For more information on the benefits of cloud computing for SMBs, contact Centex Technologies at (855) 375 – 9654.

Top Cloud Security Issues For 2016

March 18, 2016

Security has always been a major concern for the organizations that use cloud computing. Though it offers a myriad of benefits, such as scalable storage of important business data, improved collaboration of employees from multiple locations and the saved costs on hiring a specialized IT staff, failure to implement proper safety measures can lead to drastic consequences. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to be familiar with the common security issues that may impact their cloud security efforts in 2016. Some of these have been discussed below:

  • Account Hijacking: Phishing, software exploits and malware attacks may be launched by the hackers to break into business accounts. They may monitor the victim’s online activities, steal or manipulate confidential files and modify financial transactions. The hackers may also use the cloud application to infect other computer systems connected to the server. Therefore, all the cloud accounts, specifically those that comprise sensitive information, should be closely monitored.
  • Improper Authentication and Compromised Credentials: As cloud resources can be accessed from remote locations, proper authentication measures are important to determine the identity of the users. Make sure you use two-factor authentication, such as a one-time password or phone verification, before providing account access to any user. Also, the usernames and passwords should be complex to make it difficult for the cybercriminals to crack them. Data breach and other hacking attacks are often a result of compromised log-in credentials as well as weak authentication systems.
  • Excessive Data Exposure: Files stored in the cloud should have well-defined permissions to limit who can access any specific information. For instance, your company’s accounts department should be able to access all the financial data whereas the human resources division requires the employees’ personal identifiable information. All the files stored on the cloud should be encrypted so that they can be read by only those who have the password to decrypt.
  • Cloud Malware: The computers systems connected in a cloud network should be protected with firewall, antivirus, spyware, content filter and spam blocker software. This will help to identify and block any unauthorized traffic trying to access information in the cloud. Also, your service provider should follow standard and regularly updated security practices.

The cybersecurity services provided by Centex Technologies are aimed at helping business firms stay protected against common cloud computing threats. For more information, you can call at (855) 375 – 9654.

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