Mobile phones have become a part and parcel of our lives. As per Statista, by 2020 there would be 9,038 million mobile phone users globally. With their increasing use, another important issue that comes into picture is the mobile security. Here we have listed some common mobile threats you must be aware of –
Data Leakage – Fraudulent apps seeking personal information can lead to data leakage and are a serious threat to mobile security. Mobile users need to be extra careful while granting permissions to various apps to gain access to gallery, notes and other folders. If a certain app requires you to fill in more information than what is generally required then it is best to avoid it.
Spyware – Your private information remains private no more. Spyware is a type of malware that collects information about the websites you visit, whereabouts and sometimes even your personal information. The collected data is then sent it to a third party without your consent or knowledge.
Viruses & Trojans – Viruses often masquerade themselves and come along with a program that seems legitimate. They can then hijack your personal information as well as sensitive login credentials or send unauthorized premium rate texts. Viruses can also enter your mobile when an app containing malware is installed on your phone.
IoT Threats – Almost all the devices are now connected with our smartphones. If a hacker gains access to your mobile phone then chances are that they can hack information available on other connected devices as well.
Network Spoofing – This often happens when you browse the internet using unknown Wi- Fi networks. Cyber criminals spoof the access points and then hack your emails, contact information etc. to use it for their benefit.
Out–Of-Date Software – There are higher chance of falling prey to a malware attack when your mobile phone runs on an outdated software that hasn’t been updated. Out-of-date software don’t have appropriate security patches often resulting in your pivotal information getting hacked.
Tips To Avoid Mobile Threats
- Update your mobile system regularly.
- Don’t set up easy passwords if you browse sites that contain sensitive login credentials.
- Install a good mobile anti-virus software.
- Download the apps from App store only.
- Try to avoid using unknown Wi-Fi networks.
- Read the end user agreement before actually downloading an app.
For more information on IT Security, call Centex Technologies at (254) 213-4740.